Friday, October 16, 2015

Power Transformers In India Are Transforming Life Conveniently

Power electricity completes the human life as there is nothing that human can do without it in this technological world. Even if one wants to cook food, the person uses induction products. Electricity is an important need of human and power transformers look after this need. Electrical transformer is an electronic device used for transmitting power electricity. It can also vary the supply voltage from high to low. These equipments are generally used by industries to transform alternate current from one circuit to another via electromagnetic stimulation. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

How South African People Perform Winding Resistance Testing In Power Transformers?

Power transformers users in South Africa use precision and reliable test equipment and methods to protect their transformer equipment against costly repairs.

Transformers are highly reliable devices that serve many industries and homes if maintained and serviced on regular basis. Though the cost of transformers is very high, but when you maintain them properly, they can be run for years and reveal the fact why it is worth to invest in them. You can prevent sudden failure or breakdown of the components of the transformer by using proper and accurate testing equipments and methods.

Power Transformer